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Dr. Karen Muller is one of the leading experts internationally on crimes of sexual violence against children and other vulnerable groups and presently the CEO of the Child Witness Institute, South Africa. She holds B.A.(Hons), LL.B and PhD (Child Witnesses) degrees and has spearheaded an interdisciplinary approach towards safeguarding children from violence through capacitating stakeholders to prevent, respond to and protect children from this violence. She is a policy developer, legislative reviewer, an expert on specialist criminal justice models and a proponent of a multi-disciplinary system response to violence against children. She has developed guidelines and policies relating to child witnesses in many countries, having assisted with the Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir Guidelines for Vulnerable Witnesses and related policies in Myanmar, South Africa, Swaziland, UK, Namibia and Zimbabwe. She has also developed curricula and training for judicial officers in Srinagar, J&K and numerous countries, including Vietnam, South Africa, Myanmar, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. She is currently developing curricula for judicial officers in the Maldives on juvenile justice. The uniqueness of her expertise lies in her multi-disciplinary approach to violence against children and works within both a psychological as well as a legal framework to address and combat the abuse and exploitation of children.