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Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma joined the Delhi Judicial Service in 1992 and was promoted to Delhi Higher Judicial Service in 2003. He has also done a Course on Conflict Management from University of Oxford, London in Distance Learning Programme while working as Presenting Officer with National Human Rights Commission. During his judicial career, besides presiding over courts of various jurisdictions, he has worked as Secretary, Delhi High Court Legal Service Committee; Director (Academics) Delhi Judicial Academy; Registrar (Vigilance); Registrar General of Delhi High Court; and Principal District & Sessions Judge, New Delhi. He is a Fellow of the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and has worked as a Mediator and Mediation Trainer with the Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee of the Supreme Court of India. He took oath as Judge, High Court of Delhi on 28th February, 2022. He has been associated with the Vulnerable Witness Deposition Complex program, drafting of the Vulnerable Witness Guidelines of the Delhi High Court and the training of the Stakeholders in the Vulnerable Witness training programs organized by the High Court since its inception in 2010.